Monday 20 October 2008


OK, so apologies for not writing on here for a bit, but now we're back it's a good place for us to tell you about a few cool bands I've recently come across since writing here last.

The first one of these is Arch M which is the adventure of one very awesome dude called Corey. This track '21st Union', is honestly one of the best things that I've heard all year think Papa M sharing a mountain cabin with Slint and I guess we're nearly there. That really is Dave Pajo-tastic, or maybe I'm just obsessed with Dave Pajo at the moment. Anyway, I shared some beers with Corey in the dressing room of the ICA where he played on Saturday. In fact I shared so many beers with him that I passed out on the floor during his set which apparently he fucked up - maybe because he also drank too many beers.

Arch M - 21st Union

It's worth noting that Corey is also in a rad band called American Spirit who are kind of like a much more bitter, hipster version of real early Sebadoh (the Eric Gaffney tracks) but you know, in an awesome way.

Also, very much worth checking out are Gentle Friendly. I've been lucky to share a stage with these guys a couple of times and their single is coming out soon through our buddies No Pain in Pop. Imagine the midpoint between Hella, Trencher's casio grind and No Age and you get this kind of glorious racket. It's also worth noting that drummer Dan also plays in Banjo or Freakout and Buttonhead and is the nicest person I have ever met in my life.

Gentle Friendly - Five Girl Night

Finally, props due to Wavves, who find the mid-point between four-track skate punk and Pavement and as such the word 'gnarly' is all that can do this guy justice.

Wavves - So Bored

Most of these mp3s are jacked from our buddies No Pain in Pop . Tune in for more mid-90's lo-fi references next time, and please support all these artists by buying their releases.

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